✅Could This Be The Definitive Answer To Your WHAT'S THE USE OF OPEN SOURCE?
why should we learn it ??
🟢So, what the heck actually is this open-source thing?
👉First, This is what I would tell someone who is unfamiliar with the topic and is searching for the gist rather than the intricacies. Open Source software is not the same as free software. Rather, the notion is that you may open the programme and examine what's inside, change it, and make it your own. It's available to you, which means that there are many more aspects to it that make it intriguing and significant.
👉As the name "Open Source" implies, many software vendors or developers do not want to restrict the project's source code or the software. Instead, they keep the source code accessible to all or make the software free. They also permit others to view, copy, or modify the software's source code, which helps other developers add to the code base or even create new software by using the existing code as a model. Libre Office, VLC Media Player, GIMP, Mozilla Firefox, and Ubuntu Operating System are some of the most powerful and practical open source programmes.
🟢What's the big deal about contributing to open-source projects?
✔It shows dedication, will and commitment to contribution without any monetary retribution. The company profilers basically know that if you're into this, you do it because you love it, not because of the money. Like,
"Hmm, if this guy is committing his new Java library on GitHub every 2 weeks for free, imagine what I can get out of him for $5000 a month!"
✔What drives open source contribution is the idea of building a unified community; one that understands the benefits of supporting each other - more eyes, saves time, better maintenance which leads to better software, and, of course, all great minds in one place.
✔Your Open-Source contributions are your real resume. It is proof of your passion and skills.😎
🟢Then, why don’t some programmers contribute to open-source projects?
Well, There can be many reasons.
Money. Most Open Source projects don’t pay. I’ll work for free if a project really interests me, but that brings me to reason no. 2.
Most software projects are not interesting. Most projects exist to fill a need or it’s someone’s passion project. If it’s someone’s passion project, it’s their passion, not anybody else’s, generally.
🟢How do I get Started?
7 Days Plan:-
1. Join EddieHub Discord
2. Become a member of the EddieHub GitHub Org by creating an Issue
3. Practice contributing, add your name to our practice repo
4. Create your LinkFree profile with JSON
5. Look at their "good first issues"
6. Review a PR
7. Rest
Watch this amazing video of Kunal Kushwaha: https://youtu.be/apGV9Kg7ics?list=PL9gnSGHSqcnr_DxHsP7AW9ftq0AtAyYqJ
Some more resources that helped me a lot:-
- 24pullrequests.com -> I get weekly project recommendations.
2)A great video by Kunal Kushwaha -> https://youtu.be/x4hsV_q_YQc
🟢Some awesome open-source projects to contribute in 2023
😊 Don't worry they are beginner friendly!
🖖 Before we start, here are a few callouts: - Intention is not to make these projects popular. - The intention is to improve them with contributions. - At the same time, contributors learn what they aspire to, and get mentoring. It's a WIN-WIN.
🔹Fork Me
‣Want to learn to fork? That's what this project is for.
‣Link: https://github.com/atapas/fork-me
‣An app to learn ReactJS with the practice-based model.
‣Link: https://github.com/reactplay
🔹30 Seconds of Code.
‣Short code snippets for all your development needs. ‣Link:https://github.com/30-seconds
‣Give your creativity a fly! Create any shapes, download, and use.
‣Link: https://github.com/TryShape/tryshape
🔹Web APIS Playground
‣A playground of the coolest and most powerful web APIs. It comes with all documentation.
‣Link: https://github.com/atapas/webapis-playground…
Thank You Soo Much for your valuable time.😊🥳👋
➲Mithin Dev
I would love to connect and collaborate.
🔹GitHub: https://github.com/mithindev
🔹Twitter: https://twitter.com/MithinDev
🔹LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mithin-dev-a-397983247/
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